Retirement Planning

A major life transition after years of work and a regular paycheque

It’s a major life transition after years of work and a regular paycheque. Despite the excitement of this new phase of life, it often comes with some trepidation or anxiety as you leave your work community and sense of ‘self’ as was. It’s important to make plans for this next stage of life because it’s not just about the money – but also what your days will look like, who you will spend it with. We will see you through the transition addressing challenges as they come along.

For many, the ultimate question after a lifetime of earning is how much money will I need to retire? We will plan for funds to be available to sustain your lifestyle and fund your dreams.

How well do you understand your retirement plans and investments?

In just two minutes, score your confidence from 1 to 10, relating to your confidence and understanding of what you own and where you’re going.

Where 1 means you're “Feeling a Bit Unsure" and 10 means “Completely Confident!”