Widowhood & Divorce

Divorce and widowhood can be extremely stressful life changes that can be confusing and destroy your self confidence.

Let us empower you to take the next steps you need to take confidence!

If you’re a woman in the initial stages of divorce or recently lost a spouse, you likely feel.

  • anxious about having to take on financial responsibilities that your ex or deceased spouse looked after.

  • financially confused and feeling disempowered.

  • not confident in your ability to make good financial decisions and afraid of making mistakes.

  • not sure of your own judgment to take on the responsibility.

  • distrustful of financial advisors, due to bad past experiences, or you just don’t have a relationship.

  • unclear about your present financial status and what next steps you need to take.

  • worried that you won’t have enough to be able to manage your expenses.

  • not aware of what you are entitled to if you’re going through a divorce.

  • unsure of the future.

Lean on us!

We understand the challenges faced by women though divorce and the loss of a spouse and are committed to providing a supportive and empathetic environment with advice tailored to their unique circumstances as they navigate their financial journey.

Our team of experienced advisors specialize in divorce and widowed financial planning, and work closely with each person to create a personalized plan which addresses both short term and long term needs to ensure financial security and peace of mind.

Beyond the numbers we prioritize clear communication and understanding, ensuring that each woman has a thorough grasp of her financial situation and the implications of various decisions.